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We'll continue to update this page until the 2020 votes have been tallied.  Be sure and scroll below to read the bios for the 2020 Board Director nominees.
We have five openings that need to be filled. 
The voting will take place June 21-28th, 2020. 
Members of record will receive ballots in their email. 
Please contact the office if you do not receive a ballot.



2020 MBR Board Director Nominees

Rheannon Schoephoester - current Interim Violations Director

I moved to Mt Baker Rim in 1997 and have lived here full time for over 23 years.


I absolutely love this little place that I am so fortunate to call my home, and I’m very passionate about keeping Glacier and Mt. Baker Rim the beautiful little community that has drawn so many of us here! I own a very small - hands on property management company that is completely run by myself and my husband.


After our AGM in 2019 I saw a need for enforcement of our rules especially in regards to vacation renters. I love so much about this community, and I don’t want to see it change for the worse. I started attending the monthly board meetings to bring some of these issues to the table. I joined a committee to come up with a better system and fee structure for enforcing the MBR rules.


After being asked for a while to join the board, I eventually stepped up as an interim director because I saw a great group of people working very hard but there was also a shortage of board members and a need for our rules to be enforced. I feel as a group this board handles things very calmly, rationally, and professionally, and I really appreciate that about it.


Although being a violations director is not always an easy job, I feel that it is important to make sure that our rules are being enforced fairly among all the members. My approach when handling violations has been to first reach out and make sure that the member is aware of our rules, and then communicate with them and educate them on why we have this particular rule and how it benefits us all. However, when it comes to members who blatantly and repeatedly disregard the rules, I have found that rather than issuing yet another little smack on the wrist, issuing hefty fines instead has encouraged repeat offenders to finally start cooperating.


Going forward, if the membership would like me to continue serving on the board, my goals will be to continue educating those that aren’t aware of our rules, while focusing my main efforts on those that deliberately break them repeatedly. Eventually when the pool opens back up I also plan on trying to see what can be done about those that break the rules in regards to usage.  It is also very important to me to respond very quickly to members who have a concern.


I am here to help for the time being if you would like, and I look forward to getting to know those of you in our community that I haven’t yet had the chance to meet.


Dr. Rosalind Hauser - current Interim Director at Large

I moved to the Pacific Northwest 21 years ago and have called this region ‘home’ ever since. The scenic beauty and remote location of Glacier inspired me and my husband Peter to join the Mt. Baker Rim, and we have enjoyed being part of this community over the past two years.

I earned my doctorate in microbiology from the University of Washington and served as professor of virology and immunology for many years. I went on to earn an M.B.A. in health care management. Teaching undergraduates taught me the importance of clear communication and building trust by establishing genuine relationships. I use these skills in my current position, where I partner with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to foster collaboration among a large team of HIV researchers who are all working toward the common goal of an AIDS vaccine. Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, I have leveraged my expertise in viral pandemics to counter misinformation, guide public health policy on the local level, and encourage fact-based decision making.

As Director-at-Large, my role on the MBR Board of Directors has been a supportive one. I have assisted in member communications, researched legal and regulatory statutes, participated in Board meetings, and facilitated the transition to an electronic AGM. One of my primary objectives in serving on the Board going forward will be to modernize our website content and improve the tools used by members to communicate with each other and with the Board. This includes the timely posting of minutes and the implementation of a members-only section of the website where users can maintain their own profiles.

In my free time, I raise heritage breeds of poultry and enjoy exploring the region on foot, on skis, and by car. Many of you have met Butters, our Royal Palm tom turkey, who visits the MBR every 4th of July. He will be making his annual appearance again this year, so please come and say hello. I appreciate a good beer and lively conversation, two things I know I can always count on in Glacier!


Roy Massie - current Grounds and Maintenance Director

Roy is a builder/general contractor, volunteer firefighter, family man who lives full-time in the Rim.


Roy has been instrumental in managing the grounds and maintenance efforts at the Mount Baker Rim for the past several years, including coordinating the staff, selecting and bidding projects, and generally keeping the grounds and maintenance costs under control.


Roy's efforts are well appreciated by all who enjoy the Mount Baker Rim's facilities.


David Hill

My family and I have been in the Rim for ten years, and have lived here full-time since 2017. Having a competent, involved, and responsive board is critical to the MBR community and each of our individual investments in this community. Some of the work the current board has done, such as working to increase participation of the membership in these meetings, is fantastic. Since someone nominated me to rejoin the board, and because of their focus on maintaining and improving the Rim, I would love to continue to assist the MBR community.


I previously served on the board from 2013 to 2018. My first role on the board was Property Standards, where I clarified and improved the rules and guidelines for new and subsequent construction in the Rim. The aim was to simplify and streamline the rules for construction and to also maintain the rugged, unique feel of the community. My second role on the board was to manage Grounds and Maintenance. The G&M role had me overseeing the Caretaker and her direct reports, and was focused on maintaining and improving the Rim’s asset base. This included redesigning the Recycling Area, reequipping part of the pool physical plant, replacing failing Clubhouse windows, and the initial scoping to refurbish the Clubhouse lighting and HVAC systems with more efficient, cost-saving systems. As when I led Property Standards, I also dedicated part of my time to rewriting conflicting sections of our governing documents. In this case, around Intrusive and Excessive Noise. I am also responsible for the MBR Nextdoor community site.


I am retired from almost twenty years in the field of computer security Intellectual Property and 15 years of investment banking and consulting. I also have the bandwidth to dedicate to our community.


Kathy Cantrell

I currently live in Lake Stevens and my family has owned a cabin In Mount Baker Rim since 2004.  

I have been married for almost 27 years and have three daughters.   


I have an Associates Arts degree from Fullerton Junior College, California in Business.   


I have volunteered in my children’s classrooms, for Bloodworks Northwest and at the church I attend.

I have worked as a Senior Bookkeeper for a credit union and Accounts Payables for a telecommunication company as well as for the corporate headquarters of a large retail chain.   

In my spare time I enjoy golfing, ballroom dancing, kayaking and puzzles. 


Josh Lozman

Josh Lozman is the director of gender equality for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and  also leads the foundation’s strategy for co-chair Melinda Gates’ advocacy and communications. He previously served in the Obama Administration as chief of staff to the National Economic Council. He spent a decade working on global campaigns, policy initiatives, and for political candidates that support improved global health and development. Josh holds an MPH and MBA from Johns Hopkins University and a B.A. from Dartmouth College.


Josh is an avid skier, hiker, and biker. His wife Kristen is a primary care physician at Kaiser Permanente and they have two young children who whine whenever they drive away from Mt Baker. They have been coming regularly to Mt Baker since 2012 and purchased a home here in 2018.

Bob Smith

Earth is my home planet. I plan on staying. I’ve owned in MBR since 2007. Built and lived full time in The Rim since late 2018. Retired steam specialist for a Japanese manufacturer, Certified Energy Manager. I travel some. And love The Rim.


George Robbins

Hello! My name is George Robbins, a candidate for the board of our community association. The reason I decided to apply at this time is my status as “retired”, and so I have time to help with the matters that face our Mt. Baker Rim neighborhood.


The dues have increased substantially over the 23 years that I have owned my parcel, and I have been happy with the maintenance and improvements. I support efforts to maintain a high standards for infrastructure and care-taking that assures our investments will be of comparable value every year as we age, and for those who may look to pass on their property.


I have owned property in the Rim since 1997. In 2018 I retired from Skagit Valley College after 24 years.  Before that I had 2 years in home remodeling construction, mostly in the Stanwood. I have worked in direct sales and marketing, including about 13 years with various auction companies in Skagit and Whatcom counties. Between 2006 and 2012, I was elected to other Boards of Directors: the Pacifica Foundation (operating in 5 states) nationally, and at the Lincoln Theatre (Skagit County).


My work at SVC, as the manager of student media (radio stations and newspaper), gave me experience with bureacracy, annual budgets, reports, payroll, and supervision of employees. I managed over a million dollars in grant funding over 9 years from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Those grants required audited financial reports and meeting target outcomes. I served on several college committees including the Governance Steering Committee (2 year elected as Chair), the top advisory committee. Also, I was a part-time instructor for 14 years in broadcast communications, journalism, and public speaking.


The security and safety we enjoy in the Rim is remarkable. I will always vote to protect our decision to have gated access, and to limit the use of our community by non-owners. However I also feel that abruptly ruling out access does not improve the Rim in the long run. I purchased my property after staying a weekend here at a friends home. In the past I had short and long term renters in my place and I appreciated the income. I have also seen the effects of un-caring visitors, and the impacts of the increased traffic of strangers. I favor compromises to assure that our security, privacy, and values are not diminished. People in the business of renting should purchase property elsewhere.


Some folks may not appreciate that our association has additional rules and regulations beyond those of the properties outside of the Rim. However, upon purchase of the property, each owner has agreed with a legal signature to abide by a few extra rules and regulations. I agree with the summary from the Board with its current meeting packet, regarding the review of complaints as individual and having circumstances that should be considered in every case. Blanket rules don't fit everyone in the same way, and we should be open to enforcement flexibility with those who may not be harming the greater community or impacting the common good. In certain disagreements, a very strict enforcement must be available to prevent actions that would cause harm to this recreational paradise.


If you think that I could help continue to maintain our wonderful environment, and peaceful co-existence in this little paradise by the river, please vote for me to join the Board.


Sheri Hargus

I fell in love with the RIM on a sunny President’s Day weekend when our family rented a cabin for an extended ski weekend. Three months later, we owned a cabin on Glacier Rim Drive, across from the tennis courts. That was 22 years ago and our four kids are now adults – the oldest lives in Seattle and often uses the cabin, two live in California and visit the cabin whenever they return home and the youngest lives in China (his last RIM experience was in between a two month hike along the Central Divide Trail and a return to Guilin). The RIM has been so special to our family – it is our place of refuge and peace in what are often turbulent and uncertain times.  Some of my best family memories center around Mt Baker and the joyful sharing of all that this area has to offer.


I was born in Seattle and grew-up in Hawaii until the age of 13, lived overseas in Africa and Australia for a  few years and then moved back to Seattle where I finished high-school and attended the University of Washington, getting degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Most of my adult life has been lived in Seattle although I had few brief intervals in other places - a year in Oregon, two years in Colorado, a year in Beijing, China and a year in Honolulu, Hawaii.


My professional career has always been in technology-related fields. I have in-depth management experience and have lead many teams in developing innovative software and tech products. For the last six years I have worked for the City of Seattle Information Technology Department as a strategy advisor helping multiple city departments to leverage technology to support the work that they do for the public.


I am interested in being a RIM board member so that I can help more with the issues that our community faces. I would also like to assist in the planning that helps us grow, strengthen and enhance our community. I embrace communication and collaborative solutions that support all our members. Being a board member is not something I would take lightly and I would give it the time and dedication that it needs. I have wanted to be more involved for a long time and now is a good time for me to step forward and make that commitment.


Thanks for considering me for a board position. I look forward to getting to know more of you!


Dawn Chaplin

I am volunteering for a Director position on the board. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Dawn Chaplin. I have been on the board previously from 1998 to 2004 as Social/Member Relations Director. I also was on the board from 2016-2019 as Treasurer, Member Relations, Director at Large and Secretary while also in charge of the Social Committee. My previous Employment was with the Royal Bank Of Canada Western Visa Centre (14 Years) Departments Financial, Chargeback Clerk, Merchant Sales, Managers Month end reports and Collections. Our area covered British Columbia to Northern Ontario. I am now retired. My husband (Jim) daughter (Ellena) and myself have been members since 1991. We are on Alpine Rd. For the time I have served on the board I have missed only a few meetings. Which was a total of nine years. I take being on the board very seriously as we are running the community and need to attend meetings to do that. I feel it is important to represent the members by speaking and listening to them and understanding what they want within the community. I have the time as I am not working to give my full attention to the position. I have always put in a lot of hours while on the board and I know it’s a lot of work to keep this community up to date and moving forward. Working hard and gathering knowledge is what I do best besides the Social Events. I am also heading up the Social Committee and do an annual calendar but at this time due to Covid-19, I am waiting to see when gatherings will be allowed. Majority of the Social events we put on are for families so the children and the parents can have fun and make new friends. This is going to be hard at this time during this Covid -19. We are watching very closely to see what we will be able to do and when we can do it concerning social distancing.


Other Nominees:
  • Kathy Pankanin



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