For those of you who are anxious to see the clubhouse repaired we wanted to give a little update on where we are at currently in the process.
We have reviewed the bids, and selected a company to do the work for us. A deposit has been issued and we are now in line for getting our repairs made.
Currently we do not think any sort of special assessment from the membership will be required to pay for these repairs, but we will certainly keep everyone informed if we feel that it will be necessary at some point in the process.
While we do not have an exact date yet for the work to begin, it should be somewhere around the month of June.
We will not be able to use the clubhouse for the summer since work will be ongoing, but our Community Manager Mike has already secured some port o potties that will be delivered before Memorial Day weekend so that the pool can still be used in the same manner as it was last summer.
We will continue to allow owners only to enter from the lower field as we did last year so that the pool can still be used.
As some of you may remember, last summer at the very end of pool season our pool heater died. Mike has spent some time researching options with our pool repair guy Ed and has presented some options to the board.
We are making some great updates that will make things run more efficiently.
We are purchasing a great new system that will enable us to actually eliminate the need to purchase expensive chlorine and instead we can make our own.
This system will pay for itself in just one summer of pool use and will save us hundreds of dollars on chlorine every summer in the future.
We are also looking into the possibility of being able to switch over to solar power to heat the pool down the road.
When we have more information we will do our best to keep you all updated.
If you have specific questions, please remember that the board does not use Nextdoor as a means of communicating with the membership.
You are always welcome to email the office, community manager, or any specific board member with any questions.
All the email addresses can be found on our website.
We hope everyone is having a great winter!