Chipping Event Info and Guidelines
From Whatcom Conservation District
Mt. Baker Rim Roving Chipper Days
April 20th , April 21st and 25th , 2022
Mt Baker Rim members are invited to participate in this free chipping event supported by the WA State Department of Natural Resources and the Whatcom Conservation District! Cleaning up tree limbs and brush around your home helps reduce your wildfire risk. Dead branches and limbs dry out quickly in the summer and can easily ignite and spread fire given the right circumstances.
DNR staff and a WCD crew will provide the labor and haul and operate the chipper. The chipper will come around through the community and chip up piles that have been placed at the end of your driveway and are neatly stacked according to details specified below.
In order to participate, MBR members must register by March 1st, 2022. To register, email Please include your name and MBR lot number.
In order to allow for maximum participation in this event, piles are limited to 5x5x5. Please limit piles to 5 feet wide x 5 feet high with no wood exceeding a diameter of 5 inches. Trees or limbs longer than 5 feet in the pile are okay. Please note:
· Limbs and brush only – NO ROOTWADS, STUMPS, LAWN CLIPPINGS, RAKED LEAVES, TRASH or NON-WOODY DEBRIS. If any unacceptable debris if found in a pile, the crew will skip over that pile.
· Everything must be stacked pointing the same direction – ideally with the large end facing the road. Tangled piles will not be chipped. See below image for example.
· Piles must be ready by April 18, 2022
· See the attached Firewise brochure, "How to Prepare your Home for Wildfires" at the end of this post for more information on how to assess your property for wildfire safety. Additional info is also available on our Emergency Preparedness page:
We thank you in advance for helping us run this event smoothly to optimize the services available to our community through this program.
