Quick update for everyone on the Ziply Fiber install project-
I know many of you like myself are excited to see this moving forward and many are itching to find out when it will be ready.
All the conduit is in place, and most of the fiber lines have been installed both over head and underground along the streets.
There is supposed to be an inspector coming today to do some final inspections. While it may look and seem like it’s almost ready to go, it will still be a little while, so we appreciate everyone’s patience.
They will need to test all the lines, and turn the project over to the operations team. Utility locates will have to be done for each lot, which can be a little time consuming, and there is more work they will be doing on the back end of things over the next several weeks. Ziply doesn’t want us to give a time frame for completion just yet since some of these remaining tasks can be a bit time consuming and unpredictable. If everything went perfect it would still take at least a month and a half, and perfection is highly unlikely, so ordering service could be months out yet.
We are excited to see things coming along so well, and we’ll keep you posted as more information becomes available.
Mt. Baker Rim Community Club