Hi all,
I have spoken with our contact at Ziply Corprate again. The good news is that despite some local rumors, they are still moving forward with our project and they do have full intentions of completing it.
The not so great news is that they confirmed the estimated timeline in their logs is stating it won’t be completed until June. There have been a few hold ups, and I am told the current one has to do with PSE not wanting them to use their poles any longer. They had planned on sharing those poles to bring the fiber from the forest service center to the Rim gate. They claim to be working on redoing plans for this last piece of the project right now, and they have June as a possible completion date. We hope it will go a lot faster than that, but that’s the most recent info they are able to give me.
While June seems like a long ways away, on the bright side, I remember the good old dial up AOL internet we had back when I moved here and what we have now may be behind current times, but it’s still a lot better than what we used to have. We have all chosen to live here in the woods, and the latest technology is not something that often comes with the territory here.
But you can’t beat the peace and quiet and the great views around the area!
Hang tight, the fiber will be here before you know it.